What is Happening with Job Posting For Executive Positions?

I have been in the executive search world for over thirty years and during my extensive career I have never heard so many complaints from candidates and clients about the job posting process. Since Integrity Network is a executive search firm, we don’t post any of our positions and are not facing these types of challenges, but I have a great deal of empathy for candidates/companies going through the search process. So why are job postings failing candidates and companies, and what has changed in 2024?


There are several factors that are in play:

  1. Job postings are fairly inexpensive and easy to post on several sites. This has created a large volume of applicants that a company needs to weed through. This is very time consuming and not always effective.

  2. Applying for a position on a typical job posting is easy for a candidate and therefore many unqualified candidates are applying for positions way above their experience level.

  3. The sheer volume of resumes has created a lack of response to the applicants. Candidates are more frustrated than ever with job postings. They look at a job posting, see a solid fit with their background, do extensive research on the company, and apply for the job. The result…..nothing. No response, no rejection email, just nothing.

  4. Most top candidates that I talk with aren’t even looking at job postings anymore. They have simply given up, determining that they are a complete waste of time.

  5. VP and C level candidates have specialized skills and extensive experience, they are landing new positions within their professional network and/or executive search firms.


While a considerable number of mid-level and entry-level positions are successfully filled through job postings, the same cannot be said for senior-level hires. The majority of these position are now filled through networking, referrals, and executive search firms.


My recommendation if you do decide to use a job posting platform:

  1. Don’t post executive level positions. The quantity of candidates is large and the quality is low because top talent in 2024 are just bypassing the process entirely.

  2. If you do decide to post be clear on the must haves for the position, minimum experience, domain experience required, and location (remote vs. in-office).

  3. Use professional courtesy and follow up with candidates. Just a simple rejection email will be greatly appreciated.


I believe that AI technology will indeed help with the job posting process in the future but we are not there yet. Using your network and executive search firms is the way to go right now in filling key leadership positions in 2024.


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