Attract The Best Talent

I was recently asked to sit on a panel and talk about recruiting trends for 2020 and some of the challenges we see in attracting and retaining top talent for high-tech companies. Recruiters learn a lot about candidates’ motivation behind leaving a company or reasons for making a career move. Here are some of the top things that can help you attract the best talent.

Look at your website. The first place that people go to learn more about you is your website and first impressions are important. Most of the time when I talk with CEO’s they haven’t looked at, or even read their websites in months. Few to none of them have looked at their website from the lenses of a prospective candidate. Your website is a great place to share more about who you are and why your company is awesome.

Social Media. Social Media is one of the hardest things to combat for companies. I have written about this in other blogs because of the importance for CEO’s and executive teams to understand the influence a strong platform can have in recruiting. How you present online can have a great impact on the type of talent you attract to your company. As recruiters we try, but it can be hard to reduce negative reviews on platforms like Glassdoor. One easy way to combat this is to encourage people to go on and write reviews through surveys and prizes.

Food. Ever hear that the way to someone’s heart is through their stomach? A great way to increase moral is by providing food in your office. Many of our clients offer lunch or host a coffee bar. While some people might think this is trivial, food can be a fun way to give employees a break in the day, allow the company to come together and bond outside of work interests, and build a stronger culture. Best food experience I ever experienced was the CEO cooking breakfast for the entire company. Think about it!

Vacation. As work life balance becomes a bigger and bigger topic here in Colorado, vacation time is something candidates have become more and more vocal about. Some companies face an uphill battle if they are rigid with their vacation time because of the amount of companies now offering unlimited vacation as a way to attract and retain the best talent. Vacation plans are evolving and companies need to be progressive in their view on PTO to attract and retain the best talent. Some companies are even offering paid paid vacation. Google it!

Got more questions about attracting the best talent? Contact Judy Kennelley at Integrity Network for expert answers and advice. Call 303-663-2050.

By: Judy Kennelley

Judy founded Integrity Network in 1991, and has expanded it to be one of the top technology recruiting firms in Colorado. When Judy is not in the office, you can find her on a tennis court or spending time with her husband, two daughters, and German Shepard.


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